3 Year Peeling Spree

01. Gimptro
02. Bathtub Execution
03. Slamaholics
04. Death by Butcher
05. Tweaker Massacre
06. Deleafed and Trimmed
07. La ChonaEctomy
08. Crippintine
09. Candy Coated Corpse
10. Gaped Up and Ripped Out
11. MNT
12. NCS
13. RFC
14. Dirtnap Dissection
15. G Check
16. Axe to the Face
17. Bodega Bloodbath
18. School Zone Speedbump
19. Human Pudding
20. 12 Gauge Autopsy
21. Matar a palos
22. Set Trip
23. The Come Up
24. Nefarious Moongrass
25. Beefy Five Layer Penetrated Assault
26. I Got Fired Today, I'm Headed to the Casino
27. Constant Decay (No Zodiac cover)
28. Simptro
29. Make a Move
30. 211/187
31. F.F.W.A.S.
32. Intrusive Thots
33. Uncle Joey's Outro