SIJJEEL debuts 'infallible' with a new lyric video
The up-and-coming death metal band SIJJEEL has just released a new lyric video for their song 'Infallible', featured on the forthcoming album "Affiliation Of Horrid Containment". This new single, premiered exclusively at Slam Worldwide, delivers a powerful blend of relentless heaviness and harrowing lyrical depth, reflecting the album’s overarching theme of dark introspection and existential dread.
The album, set to be released on July 5th, promises to be a significant contribution to the death metal genre. Mixed and mastered at GLDCHN Studios by the band's own Floor Van Kuijk, "Affiliation Of Horrid Containment" aims to capture the essence of sonic brutality. The album's visual aspect is just as striking, with artwork created by Rudi Gorgingsuicide, known for his disturbingly vivid artistic contributions to the metal scene.
Fans of the genre can expect a meticulously crafted album that explores the complex interplay between sonic a