UPRISING Releases Single from Upcoming Album 'III'
UPRISING, the black metal project spearheaded by W. (known from Waldgeflüster), has released a new single from their forthcoming album 'III,' set to drop in 2024. The project, which emerged from the shadows in 2016 with the release of 'I,' has evolved to focus on social and political issues, a theme that continues to be prominent in their latest work.
With their debut, 'I,' UPRISING laid the groundwork with classic black metal themes, while 'II' (released in 2020) expanded to incorporate rocking riffs and melancholic melodies into a foundation of aggressive black metal, addressing social and political topics more directly.
The upcoming album 'III' continues this trajectory, enhancing their signature sound with refined production and featuring Austin Lunn of Panopticon on drums. This record emphasizes the band's dedication to social and political criticism, tackling subjects such as social injustice and climate protection through their intense and melodic black metal style. UPRISING demonstrates once again that black metal can be a powerful medium for societal relevance and advocacy.