Severe Torture - Torn from the Jaws of Death
• album review •

Severe Torture, the Dutch death metal stalwarts, have made a triumphant return with their latest album, Torn from the Jaws of Death, bringing their signature aggression and dark themes with them.
Saint Sylveszter BY SAINT SYLVESZTER JUNE 06, 2024
Severe Torture - Torn from the Jaws of Death Rating: 9.5 / 10 Release Date: June 07, 2024

01. The Death of Everything 04:04

02. Marked by Blood and Darkness 04:14

03. Hogtied in Rope 03:23

04. Torn from the Jaws of Death 04:27

05. Christ Immersion 03:30

06. Putrid Remains 04:29

07. The Pinnacle of Suffering 03:09

08. Through Pain and Emptiness 03:30

09. Those Who Wished Me Dead 02:26

10. Tear All the Flesh off the Earth 05:21

Dutch death metal titans Severe Torture have returned with a vengeance on their latest album, Torn from the Jaws of Death. After a long hiatus following their 2010 release Slaughtered and a brief resurgence with an EP in 2022, the band, led by Patrick Mameli and featuring a slightly altered lineup, delivers a blistering onslaught of high-octane aggression and technical prowess. Blending their traditional brutal sound with fresh, melodic, and progressive elements, Severe Torture proves they are still a formidable force in the death metal scene.

A Relentless Assault

The album wastes no time, launching straight into the ferocity with "The Death of Everything." This track is a relentless barrage of brutality, echoing the sounds of Deicide and Morbid Angel. Dennis Schreurs' vocals are reminiscent of prime Glen Benton, and the razor-sharp riffs combined with heavy grooves create a punishing soundscape. This trend continues with "Marked by Blood and Darkness," where the prominent bass and intricate riffing add depth to the onslaught.

Adding New Dimensions

Severe Torture has not only stuck to their roots but also introduced new elements to their sound. "Hogtied in Rope" incorporates a proggy edge that enhances the brutality, making the music more engaging. The title track brings in a blackened vibe alongside Morbid Angel-inspired riffwork, adding a grandiose feel to the raw aggression. As the album progresses, tracks like "Christ Immersion" and "Putrid Remains" push the boundaries further while maintaining the core ferocity. "Christ Immersion" offers a Deicide-esque sound but with a fresh intensity, and "Putrid Remains" blends vintage Floridian death metal with a touch of Vader-like menace.

Exceptional Musicianship

The standout feature of Torn from the Jaws of Death is the inspired guitar work by Thijs van Laarhoven and Marvin Vriesde. Their riffage is both nasty and memorable, with melodic moments that shine amidst the chaos. These melodic interludes are used sparingly, making them stand out and enhance the overall brutality. Marvin Vriesde's vocal performance has also evolved, showcasing more versatility and a grotesque charm that fits perfectly with the band's sound. The rhythm section, with Patrick Boleij’s impressive basswork and Damiën Kerpentier’s relentless drumming, provides a solid foundation for the album’s ferocity.

A Concise and Impactful Experience

With a runtime of just over 38 minutes, Torn from the Jaws of Death is a compact and intense listen. The songs, ranging from three to five minutes, ensure that the album flies by without overstaying its welcome. Despite the relentless pace, each track offers something unique, preventing the album from feeling repetitive.


Torn from the Jaws of Death is a scorching return for Severe Torture, blending their classic brutality with new, exciting elements. It's a death metal flamethrower, perfect for fans old and new. The time away has done wonders for the band, as they sound more vicious and focused than ever. This album is a must-listen for anyone seeking unrelenting, well-crafted death metal. Dive in and experience the ferocity of Severe Torture's latest offering.